Since 2012
Sponsorships offered

Equine Therapy or Therapeutic Horseback Riding is learning the skill of riding horse while the Rider is receiving the physical benefits of the horses' movement as well as wonderful things like overcoming fear, building self esteem, gaining confidence, trust issues, tolerance of animals and others, patience, multi tasking, listening skills, following instruction, responsibility of caring for animals, fine tuning motor skills just to same some of the benefits.
We do not turn any family away who cannot afford Equine Asst Therapy.

Minnesota Saddle Pals proudly offers programming for people with disabilities and Special Needs. Our programs are volunteer assisted.

This program is taught by a Path Int'l* Certified Riding Instructor with 10 years experience, is Red Cross Certified as well as fully insured.
Therapeutic Riding is offered in small groups of 3-5 Riders or available in Private Sessions. Sessions run 6 to 8 weeks long and each class is 45 minutes long.

2025 Schedule:
Winter Session Tuesdays Mar 4 - April 8 2 classes offered and Thursdays Mar 6 - April 10 1 class offered
Spring Session Tuesdays April 22 - June 10 3 classes offered and Thursdays April 24 - June 12 1 class offered.
Summer Session
July 1 to August 26 Tuesdays
July 3 to Aug 28 Thursdays
Fall Session
Sept 9 to Oct 28 Tuesdays
Sept 11 to Oct 30 Thursdays
Holiday Mini Session
Holiday Mini Session
Nov 18 to Dec 16 Tuesdays
Nov 20 to Dec 18 Thursdays
Volunteer opportunities are always available!!
*PATH International: Professional Association of Therapeutic Horseman.